How can I modify the regex pattern `G[a-b].*`?

How can I modify the regex pattern G[a-b].* to make it case-insensitive, matching all correct characters regardless of whether they are lower or uppercase?

By adding the re.IGNORECASE flag as the second argument to re.compile(), the regex engine will ignore case when matching characters. This means that both ‘G’ and ‘g’ will be treated as the same character, and similarly for the range [a-b], which will match both uppercase and lowercase letters from ‘a’ to ‘b’.

import re pattern = re.compile(r’G[a-b].*', re.IGNORECASE)

Instead of relying on the re.IGNORECASE flag, you can explicitly specify both uppercase and lowercase characters in the regex. This makes the intention clearer and avoids relying on a flag that affects the behavior of the entire regex.

pattern = re.compile(r'[Gg][a-b].*')

Adding (?i) at the beginning of the regex pattern is another way to make the entire pattern case-insensitive. This flag only affects the part of the regex that follows it, so you can use it more selectively if you have a more complex pattern where you only want case-insensitivity for certain parts.

pattern = re.compile(r'(?i)G[a-b].*')