How can I convert `39.54484700000000` to `39.54` using Python?

How can I convert 39.54484700000000 to 39.54 using Python?

I want to format the number 39.54484700000000 to 39.54 in Python. How can I achieve this using .2f Python formatting?


Hey @Punamhans,

Blessings to all Python enthusiasts!

Let me share a simple yet effective way to format numbers to two decimal places using the format method:

number = 39.54484700000000
formatted_number = "{:.2f}".format(number)
print(formatted_number)  # Output: 39.54

The .2f format specifier ensures the number is rounded and neatly displayed with two decimal places. It’s handy and keeps things clean!

May clarity and precision be with you all!

@charity-majors’s approach is great, but if you’re looking for something even simpler, Python’s built-in round function gets the job done directly:

number = 39.54484700000000
rounded_number = round(number, 2)
print(rounded_number)  # Output: 39.54

It rounds the number to two decimal places without the need for format specifiers. And if you want it as a formatted string, you can always combine it with str or f-strings for a polished display.

Wishing everyone joy as we explore Python’s versatility!

@dipen-soni’s method is fantastic, especially for quick rounding, but if you’re embedding numbers in strings, let’s talk about the elegance of f-strings:

number = 39.54484700000000
formatted_number = f"{number:.2f}"
print(formatted_number)  # Output: 39.54

F-strings make it seamless to integrate formatting (like .2f) directly within the string. It’s concise and perfect for situations where you’re outputting or logging data.