I’ve read that it’s possible to convert Python 2.7 code to WebAssembly, but I haven’t found a clear, definitive guide on how to do so.
So far, I have successfully compiled a C program to WebAssembly using Emscripten and all its necessary components, and I followed the guide provided on the official WebAssembly website (I want to… - WebAssembly).
Now, I want to know the steps I must follow to achieve the same for Python on an Ubuntu machine. Do I need to convert the Python code to LLVM bitcode first, and then compile it using Emscripten? If so, how can I achieve this conversion from Python to WASM effectively?
You can explicitly convert the integer to a string using Python’s str() function and concatenate it with the string.
for i in range(1, 11):
string = "string" + str(i)
By using str(i), the integer is converted into a string format that seamlessly works with the + operator for concatenation.
F-strings (formatted string literals) allow you to embed expressions directly into a string, making it easy to append integers to strings.
for i in range(1, 11):
string = f"string{i}"
The use of f"string{i}" ensures that the integer i is automatically converted to a string and inserted in the desired position.
The format() method can also handle concatenation by replacing placeholders within the string.
for i in range(1, 11):
string = "string{}".format(i)
Here, “string{}”.format(i) replaces the {} placeholder with the integer value of i, effectively appending it to the string.