How can I check the version of Cypress installed via the command line? I have already tried using cypress verify and cypress version

How can I check the version of Cypress installed via the command line? I have already tried using cypress verify and cypress version.

Hey Anju,

Using npx Command: npx cypress --version This command runs Cypress using npx and displays the installed version.

Hello AnjuYadav,

Checking package.json: Open your package.json file and look for the cypress entry under dependencies or devDependencies. The version number specified there will indicate the version of Cypress installed:

"devDependencies": {
  "cypress": "^X.X.X"

Replace X.X.X with the actual version number.

Hello Anjuyadav,

You can check the Cypress version by running the command directly from the node_modules folder:

./node_modules/.bin/cypress version

This command displays the version of Cypress installed in your project.