How can cy.route be used in Cypress to intercept and modify network requests?

How can cy.route be used in Cypress to intercept and modify network requests?

To intercept and modify network requests in Cypress using cy.route, you can use the following approaches:

cy.intercept('GET', '/api/data', (req) => {
    req.reply((res) => {
        res.body.newProperty = 'newValue'; // Modify the response body

You can use intercepting and modifying all requests of a certain type:

cy.intercept('POST', '/api/**', (req) => {
    if (req.body.someProperty === 'someValue') {
        req.continue((res) => {
            res.body.newProperty = 'newValue'; // Modify the response body
    } else {
        req.reply(); // Let the request pass through without modification

To intercept and modify network requests in Cypress based on different conditions:

cy.intercept('PUT', '/api/**', (req) => {
    if (req.body.someProperty === 'someValue') {
        req.reply((res) => {
            res.body.newProperty = 'newValue'; // Modify the response body
    } else {
        req.continue(); // Let the request pass through without modification