Has LambdaTest restricted access to Apple's Settings app?

I use LambdaTest to automate testing of iOS apps. After installing the test app onto the LambdaTest real mobile device, the first step in my automation sequence is to access the Apple Settings app, locate my installed test app in the Settings, and update the test app’s test environment via Setting’s configuration menu. However, I suddenly cannot access the Apple Settings app. When the Apple Settings app opens, it immediately crashes. Has LambdaTest restricted access to the Apple Settings app, or has something else changed in the way it should be accessed?

I am using the following java/javascript/Selenium code to access the Apple Settings app:

String bundleId = "com.apple.Preferences";
Map<String, Object> input = new HashMap();
input.put("bundleId", bundle);
new JavascriptExecutor(driver).executeScript("mobile:activateApp", new Object[]{input});

Hey Daniella,

Yes, access to settings on iOS is restricted on the Public cloud plan.

However, We do have a Private Cloud plan that gives you access to the settings of iOS devices.

For more info please contact support@lambdatest.com