Handling Axios Responses in TypeScript for User List Rendering

How do I handle Axios responses with TypeScript when rendering a user list?

I’m working on a React and TypeScript project where I need to present a simple user list fetched from an API. The API returns data in the following format:


However, I am encountering the TypeScript error:

“Type ‘{} | { id: number; firstName: string; }’ is not assignable to type ‘IntrinsicAttributes & UserListProps & { children?: ReactNode; }’. Property ‘items’ is missing in type ‘{}’ but required in type ‘UserListProps’.”

The error appears when passing data to the component in my Users.tsx file. I’m wondering if my User interface is incorrect or if there’s a better way to handle Axios responses with TypeScript.

Could someone help me resolve this issue and explain how to properly manage Axios responses and types in this scenario?

From my experience, one of the first things to address when working with Axios and TypeScript is defining the correct response type for your API calls."*

To fix this, you should explicitly set the response type for your Axios call. TypeScript needs to understand the structure of your API’s response to infer the correct type. Here’s an example of how you can define the type:

interface User {
  UserID: number;
  FirstName: string;

axios.get<User[]>('your-api-endpoint').then((response) => {

This ensures the response is treated as an array of User objects, which helps TypeScript catch any mismatches between the API response and your expectations. By using this pattern, you’re leveraging axios typescript to handle type-checking effectively.

Ah, I’ve run into this sort of issue plenty of times while using React and TypeScript. Here’s the next thing to watch out for:"*

When using the useState hook to manage API response data, make sure the type matches what the API returns. In your case, the API gives you an array of users, but if your useState is incorrectly typed, you’ll run into trouble.

Instead of this:

const [users, setUsers] = useState<User>();

You should type it like this:

const [users, setUsers] = useState<User[]>([]);

This tells TypeScript that users is an array of User objects, aligning with the Axios response. Combining this with the correct axios typescript configuration ensures a smooth flow from API response to component state.

Building on what Ambika and Sam mentioned, one more critical aspect is ensuring props are passed correctly to your components."*

The error you’re seeing happens because the <UserList /> component expects a prop like items: User[], but it’s not being passed correctly. To fix this, ensure that when you pass the data down, it matches the expected type. Here’s how you can do it:

<UserList items={users} />

And ensure your UserListProps interface looks something like this:

interface UserListProps {

items: User[];


When all three pieces are in place—correct Axios response type, properly typed state, and matching prop types—TypeScript will stop complaining. This seamless integration of axios typescript will give you confidence in handling API responses effectively.