Getting this on GitHub - fatal: Could not read from remote repository. How to fix?

I am unable to read from remote repository. I am trying to set up Git to manage my website using the instructions from this guide.

I have reached the final step: git push website +master:refs/heads/master.

Using the Git MinGW32 command line on Windows 7, I run: $ git push website +master:refs/heads/master

However, I encounter the following error:

Bill@***.com’s password: Connection closed by fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

You can change the remote URL in your Git configuration to use the correct username. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Git Bash terminal.
  2. Use the git remote set-url command to update the URL with the correct username:

git remote set-url website ssh://abc@***.com/path/to/repository

  1. Verify the change: git remote -v

This should show the updated URL with the correct username.

  1. Try pushing again:

git push website +master:refs/heads/master

You can specify the correct username in your SSH configuration file. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the SSH configuration file located at ~/.ssh/config. If it doesn’t exist, create it.

  2. Add the following configuration: Host your-host-alias HostName ***.com User abc IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa # Update this with the path to your SSH key.

  3. Use the alias in your remote URL: git remote set-url website ssh://your-host-alias/path/to/repository

  4. Try pushing again:

git push website +master:refs/heads/master

You can also specify the username directly in the push command without changing the remote configuration:

Use the push command with the correct username:

git push ssh://abc@***.com/path/to/repository +master:refs/heads/master

This method is less ideal for long-term use but can work for a quick fix.