Does LambdaTest support Sikuli?

Is Sikuli supported with Lambdatest?

Hi Joe,

Yes it is supported with LambdaTest.

HI Is there any specific setup i have to do for using sikuli in lambda test?

I have tried below code which is not worked.

WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(hubUrl), browserOptions); driver.manage().window().maximize(); driver.get(“”); Thread.sleep(2000);

	Screen s = new Screen();
	Pattern login = new Pattern("src\\main\\resources\\img\\gmail.png");;

Hi May we ask what type of Automation test you are planning to use Sikuli with? As of now, we don’t have an official release for the support of it. Internal planning is set but we are not sure when this will get officially launched. Please see this repo that runs SikuliX API based tests for now.