Discussion on The Lambdas in Testing and Where They Should Head to in 2025 by Pradeep Soundararajan I Testμ 2023

Hey folks,

As you know AI, which stands for Artificial Intelligence, is set to become even more part of our lives in the near future. It’s not just about robots and sci-fi stuff. AI is already changing the way we do things, and it’s going to keep doing that.

Here are some everyday things AI is going to help with:

  • Smarter Tech: AI will make our gadgets and apps smarter. It helps with voice recognition, predictive features, and enhancing device capabilities.

  • Healthcare: AI will assist doctors in diagnosing and suggesting treatments, improving medical care.

  • Self-Driving Cars: AI is behind self-driving cars, making them safer and more reliable.

  • Customer Service: AI-powered chatbots are becoming more common in customer service, providing quick and efficient support.

  • Smart Homes: AI can control home devices like lights and thermostats, making homes more convenient.

  • Entertainment: AI algorithms recommend movies, music, and content tailored to individual preferences.

While AI is making life more convenient and efficient, it won’t replace humans in many roles, and ethical considerations are important as AI continues to evolve.

Obviously! Generative AI is on the verge of transforming the landscape of software testing. Its impact is expected to be profound in the coming era as it brings automation and efficiency to the testing process.

With Generative AI, testers can rely on intelligent algorithms to generate test cases, scenarios, and even synthetic data, which significantly reduces the time and effort traditionally required for testing. This not only expedites the testing phase but also ensures a more comprehensive examination of the software.

Furthermore, Generative AI possesses a unique capability to explore unconventional and complex test scenarios that might be challenging for human testers to conceive. It can simulate intricate user interactions, edge cases, and extreme conditions, uncovering latent bugs and enhancing the overall software quality.

As AI technology continues to advance, its role in testing is set to expand further, making it an indispensable tool for guaranteeing the dependability and resilience of software applications in the foreseeable future.

Generative AI promises to revolutionize how we approach testing, making it more efficient and effective than ever before.


Sure! As per my experience, here are some advice on how to start a career in software testing:

  • Get the Basics: Start by understanding how software works and why testing is important. It’s like learning the ABCs of software quality.

  • Learn Testing Methods: Know the different ways to test software. Some are manual, like checking things by hand, and some are automated, where computers do the checking.

  • Coding Know-How: Learning a bit of coding can be handy, especially if you want to do automated testing. It’s like having a toolkit with extra tools.

  • Testing Tools: Get familiar with tools that help with testing, like special software that finds bugs or keeps track of what you’ve tested.

  • Practice: Try testing on real projects or even your own projects. It’s like learning to ride a bike; you get better with practice.

  • Writing Skills: Good writing is crucial because you’ll need to explain what you find. Think of it as telling a story about the software.

  • Certifications: Consider getting certifications that show you’re a pro at testing. It’s like getting a badge that says, “I know my stuff.”

  • Meet People: Connect with other testers online or in person. It’s like joining a club where you can learn from others and find job opportunities.

  • Stay Curious: Keep learning about new things in testing. It’s like staying up-to-date with the latest news.

  • Job Hunt: Look for entry-level jobs with titles like “QA Tester” or “Software Test Engineer.” Tailor your resume to show off your testing skills.

Remember, it’s okay to start small and learn as you go. With time and effort, you can build a rewarding career in software testing.

Well, manual testing isn’t going away anytime soon. :slightly_smiling_face: Even with AI doing a lot of the testing work, there are things that only humans can do.

For example, when it comes to checking how easy a software is for people to use or making sure it looks good, humans are still the experts. And sometimes, software does strange things in rare situations that only humans can catch.

So, while AI is helpful, there’s still a place for humans in testing to make sure everything works perfectly. Think of it like a team effort between humans and AI to make sure software is top-notch.


Determining the appropriate test coverage for a product to ensure its quality is a critical aspect of the software development process. Test coverage measures the extent to which your testing efforts cover the functionality and code of your application.

Here are the steps to determine the appropriate test coverage:

  • Requirements Analysis: Understand project requirements thoroughly.

  • Risk Assessment: Identify high-risk areas.

  • Coverage Types: Distinguish between code and functional coverage.

  • Prioritization: Focus on high-priority features and critical areas.

  • Testing Types: Choose relevant testing types (unit, integration, functional, etc.).

  • Coverage Metrics: Set metrics like code lines covered, test cases executed, and requirement coverage.

  • Continuous Monitoring: Regularly review test results and adjust strategies as needed.

  • Automation: Implement automated testing for efficiency.

  • Feedback Loop: Maintain communication with stakeholders for feedback.

  • Traceability: Ensure test cases align with specific requirements or user stories.

  • Compliance: Consider industry standards and compliance requirements.

  • Budget & Time: Be mindful of constraints, aiming for comprehensive but practical coverage.

If we look at AI, it has brought significant advancements and positive impacts to the testing world, but it is not the end of the era for human QA professionals.

Here is the positive aspects of AI in testing and its implications:

  • Efficiency: AI can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as test case generation, execution, and analysis. This accelerates testing processes, reduces human effort, and increases overall efficiency.

  • Test Automation: AI-powered tools can create and maintain automated test scripts, making it easier to cover a wide range of test scenarios and perform regression testing more effectively.

  • Performance Testing: AI can simulate thousands of virtual users to perform load and performance testing, helping identify bottlenecks and performance issues in applications.

  • Defect Detection: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data and logs to detect anomalies, patterns, and potential defects that might be missed by manual testing.

  • Predictive Analytics: AI can predict areas of the application that are more likely to have defects, allowing QA teams to focus their efforts where they are needed most.

  • Continuous Testing: AI enables continuous testing by integrating with CI/CD pipelines, ensuring that new code changes are tested automatically, leading to faster releases with higher quality.

  • Test Case Prioritization: AI can prioritize test cases based on risk, changes in code, or historical defect data, optimizing testing efforts.

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP-powered AI can analyze and understand user feedback and convert it into actionable test cases or bug reports.

In a nutshell, AI has significantly enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of testing processes. However, it is not the end of the QA professional’s era. Human testers are still essential for critical thinking, exploratory testing, understanding user contexts, and addressing complex and evolving testing challenges.

Changing someone’s mind about trying something new, like AI, can be a bit trick as they might be hesitant at first. So, here’s how you can help them warm up to the idea:

First off, show some empathy. Understand that not everyone is super gung-ho about new tech. We all have our comfort zones, right?

Now, let’s keep it simple. Explain AI without diving into complex tech talk. Think of AI as smart computer stuff, like having a helpful digital buddy around.

When they worry about job security or privacy, reassure them. Tell them AI can work alongside humans, making things easier, not stealing our jobs or spying on us.

Stories can be powerful. Share how AI is already making life better—like in smartphones or Netflix recommendations.

If you can, get them hands-on. Let them play with AI tools or apps. Sometimes, seeing is believing.

Chat openly. Encourage questions and conversations without making them feel silly for asking.

And don’t forget the good stuff. Talk about how AI can make life more convenient and open up new opportunities.

Changing minds takes time, like convincing a friend to watch your favorite show. Be patient, and they might just come around to AI in their own time!

Hey, there are plenty of exciting product and startup opportunities that can make life easier and more interesting for all of us:

  • AI-Assisted Healthcare: Startups that use AI to help doctors diagnose illnesses more accurately or remind patients to take their medications on time.

  • Smart Home Devices: Create smart gadgets that make our homes more comfortable and energy-efficient. Think AI-powered thermostats that adjust the temperature automatically.

  • Sustainable Tech: Products that help us reduce our impact on the environment, like apps that suggest eco-friendly transportation options or gadgets that monitor energy consumption.

  • Education Tech: Develop tools that use AI to make learning more fun and personalized. For example, apps that adapt to each student’s pace of learning.

  • Elderly Care: Create devices and services that use AI to assist older folks, like wearable health monitors or home safety systems.

  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): Build cool apps or gadgets that let us explore virtual worlds or enhance our real-world experiences with digital info.

  • Food Tech: Innovate in the food industry with AI-powered recipe generators, food delivery optimization, or even personalized nutrition advice.

  • Travel Tech: Think of ways to make travel smoother and more enjoyable. Maybe an AI travel assistant that plans your trips based on your preferences.

  • Cybersecurity: Startups that focus on keeping our online data safe, like AI-powered antivirus software or secure password managers.

  • Entertainment Tech: Create new forms of entertainment using AI, like AI-generated music or virtual reality games.

If we see the shift toward AI-based testing practices, it is already underway and holds great potential for improving software quality and testing efficiency. Here’s how it’s evolving:

  • Test Automation: AI is being used to automate repetitive and time-consuming testing tasks. Test scripts can be generated, executed, and maintained by AI systems, allowing testers to focus on more creative and exploratory testing.

  • Test Case Generation: AI can generate test cases by analyzing requirements, code, and historical data. This speeds up the test design phase and ensures comprehensive coverage.

  • Regression Testing: AI can identify which test cases need to be rerun after code changes, reducing the time and effort required for regression testing.

  • Defect Prediction: AI can analyze historical defect data to predict where defects are more likely to occur in new code, helping testers prioritize their efforts.

  • Test Data Generation: AI can create synthetic test data that mimics real-world scenarios, enabling more realistic testing and minimizing privacy concerns.

  • Visual Testing: AI-based tools can perform visual testing by comparing screenshots of an application before and after changes, identifying visual defects quickly.

  • Performance Testing: AI can simulate thousands of virtual users to stress-test applications, helping identify performance bottlenecks and scalability issues.

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI-driven NLP can analyze and understand natural language test requirements, making it easier to convert them into test cases.

  • Test Environment Management: AI can optimize test environments, provisioning resources as needed and reducing downtime.

The start of this shift typically involves integrating AI tools and platforms into existing testing processes. Teams might begin by automating a subset of test cases, experimenting with AI-based test case generation, or using AI for data analysis and prediction.

It’s important to note that while AI can greatly enhance testing practices, it’s not a complete replacement for human testers.

Human testers bring critical thinking, creativity, and domain knowledge to the testing process, which AI cannot fully replicate. The best approach often combines the strengths of both AI and human testers to achieve the highest quality software.


AI (Artificial Intelligence) plays a significant role in low-code and no-code automation testing by enhancing the efficiency, accuracy, and scalability of the testing process.

Here are the pointers role of AI in low-code and no-code automation.

  • Test Script Generation: AI can analyze application interfaces and automatically generate test scripts, reducing the need for manual coding. Low-code and no-code platforms often leverage AI to understand the application’s behavior and generate relevant test cases.

  • Test Data Generation: AI can generate synthetic test data or identify relevant data for testing, reducing the effort required to prepare test datasets manually.

  • Test Case Prioritization: AI algorithms can analyze the application’s code and user behavior to prioritize test cases based on their importance and likelihood of encountering defects.

  • Test Execution: AI-powered testing tools can execute test scripts autonomously across different environments and platforms, including web browsers, mobile devices, and operating systems. This reduces the need for manual intervention in running tests.

  • Defect Detection: AI can analyze test results to identify anomalies and potential defects. Machine learning models can be trained to recognize patterns indicative of issues, improving defect detection rates.

  • Maintenance and Self-Healing: AI can help in maintaining test scripts by automatically updating them to match changes in the application’s code or UI. It can also attempt to repair or adapt test scripts when they encounter failures due to minor UI changes.

Now, regarding LambdaTest and its value in the future of low-code and no-code automation testing:

LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform that provides a scalable infrastructure for cross-browser and cross-platform testing. LambdaTest offers integrations with codeless testing tools and provide significant value in several ways:

  • Test Execution: LambdaTest can be integrated with low-code or no-code testing platforms to execute tests across a wide range of browsers and devices, ensuring comprehensive test coverage.

  • Parallel Testing: LambdaTest allows for parallel test execution, which speeds up the testing process and enables quicker feedback, a crucial aspect of low-code and no-code development cycles.

  • Device and Browser Coverage: LambdaTest provides access to a vast library of browsers and devices, ensuring that low-code and no-code tests can be executed on a wide range of real-world configurations.

  • Scalability: As the demand for testing resources grows with the expansion of low-code and no-code applications, LambdaTest can easily scale to accommodate increased testing needs.

AI tools are on the brink of transforming software testing in some really exciting ways. These tools are all about making the testing process more efficient, accurate, and scalable. Here’s how they’re going to do it:

First off, we have test automation. AI-driven testing tools can take care of generating test scripts, running test cases, and analyzing the results, all without needing a human to step in. This is a game-changer because it saves a ton of time and effort, especially for those repetitive testing tasks, and it makes sure that we’re testing everything that needs to be tested.

Then, there’s test case generation. AI can actually look at our requirements and how the application behaves and whip up test cases for us. It’s like having an assistant who’s really good at figuring out what we should be testing.

Test data generation is another area where AI shines. It can create realistic test data, which helps us simulate real-world situations and catch any issues related to how our app handles data.

AI is also great at prioritizing tests. It uses clever algorithms to figure out which tests are most likely to find defects, so we can focus on the most critical stuff first.

When it comes to finding defects, AI can be a real detective. It can look at our test results and spot any weirdness or potential problems. And it gets better at this over time by learning from past data.

Visual testing is another cool use of AI. It can compare screenshots of our app before and after changes to spot even tiny differences in the user interface. This is especially handy for catching those pesky UI bugs.

Performance testing is getting a boost from AI too. It can simulate how users behave and how the app responds under different conditions, helping us find performance bottlenecks and scalability issues.

Test maintenance, which can be a real headache, is made easier with AI. It can automatically update our test scripts when the app’s code or UI changes, saving us a ton of manual work.

And speaking of manual work, AI can also make our tests more resilient. It can adapt the test scripts when they run into problems due to minor UI changes, so we don’t have to keep tweaking them ourselves.

I could go on, but you get the idea. AI is transforming software testing across the board. It’s making our tests smarter, more efficient, and more effective. So, in the end, we can deliver better software faster and with more confidence. It’s an exciting time for testing, that’s for sure!

In Lambda functions, security is paramount. When it comes to best practices, there are several key considerations to keep in mind. First and foremost, implement the principle of least privilege. This means only granting Lambda functions the permissions they absolutely need to perform their tasks. Utilize AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles to control access to AWS resources.

Encryption is also crucial. Ensure that sensitive data is encrypted both at rest and in transit. You can use services like AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to manage encryption keys. Additionally, consider configuring Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) settings to isolate Lambda functions when necessary, adding an extra layer of security.

Regularly update and patch dependencies used in your Lambda functions to address any known vulnerabilities. AWS also offers security services like AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) and AWS Shield for DDoS protection, which can be invaluable in enhancing the security of your Lambda functions.


Ah, dealing with unclear requirements or no documentation can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, there are ways to handle it. Here’s a simple approach:

  • Talk to Stakeholders: Start by having a chat with the people who need this software. It could be your boss, the end-users, or anyone with a stake in the project. Ask them what they want, what they expect from the software, and what it should do. This can give you some basic ideas.

  • Create a Test Plan: Even if you don’t have clear requirements, make a rough plan for your testing. What features do you think should be there based on your discussions? Write them down.

  • Exploratory Testing: This is like an adventure in the software. Just start using it like a regular user. Click buttons, input data, and see what happens. Take notes of any odd behavior or bugs you encounter. This can help you discover requirements indirectly.

  • Check for Industry Standards: Sometimes, there might be industry standards or best practices for the type of software you’re testing. Look these up and use them as a guide.

  • Talk to Developers: Developers often have a good understanding of what the software is supposed to do. Have a chat with them and see if they can shed some light on the requirements.

  • Feedback Loops: If you have the opportunity, show the software to the stakeholders as it progresses. Their feedback can help clarify what they actually want.

  • Use User Stories: If you have access to any user stories, even if they’re not complete, they can provide valuable insights into requirements.

  • Risk-Based Testing: Focus your testing on areas that are critical or seem uncertain. This way, you’re covering the most important parts first.

  • Document Everything: Even if you’re not testing against clear requirements, document your test cases, test results, and any issues you find. This documentation can help in discussions later on.

  • Iterate: Testing is not a one-time thing. As the project progresses and more information becomes available, keep refining your tests.

In a nutshett, the goal is to find issues early and ensure that the software meets the needs of the users. Even when the requirements are unclear, your testing efforts can still make a big difference in improving the quality of the software.

Great question!

Testing new technologies like Web 3.0, AI, and the Metaverse involves a methodical and exploratory approach. First and foremost, take the time to understand the fundamentals of each of these technologies. This doesn’t mean becoming an expert but grasping the basic concepts behind them.

Once you’ve got a basic grasp, seek out user-friendly tools and software that can assist you in the testing process. Just like using a smartphone app to make your life easier, these tools can simplify the testing of complex technologies. They can help you navigate the unfamiliar terrain more effectively.

Having clear testing goals is crucial. Decide what you aim to achieve with your testing efforts. Are you checking for functionality, security, or usability? Defining your objectives provides a roadmap for your testing journey, much like having a destination in mind before embarking on a road trip.

Collaboration is often key when testing emerging technologies. Don’t hesitate to team up with experts or colleagues who possess specialized knowledge. Their insights and expertise can be invaluable, similar to having a seasoned guide when exploring a new place.

Hands-on testing is a must. Dive into the technology and experiment with it yourself. Just like test-driving a new car, this practical experience can reveal nuances and issues that may not be apparent otherwise.

During your exploration, be vigilant in spotting problems or anomalies. It’s akin to inspecting a new purchase for defects. Record any glitches or issues you encounter, as this documentation will be vital for improvement.

User-friendliness is paramount. Ensure that the technology is easy for users to navigate and interact with. Think of it as making sure a game is enjoyable and accessible to players of all skill levels.

Safety considerations are also crucial. Verify that the technology is secure and doesn’t pose any risks to users, akin to checking if a product is safe for use by all age groups.

Listen to feedback from others who have explored these technologies. Much like reading reviews before making a purchase, this feedback can provide valuable insights and help refine your testing approach.

Lastly, stay curious and open to learning. Technology evolves rapidly, so maintaining a sense of wonder and a willingness to explore further is akin to continuously seeking out new experiences in the ever-changing digital landscape.

In a way, yes, you can think of a lambda expression as a nameless suspension of code. A lambda expression is a concise way to define an anonymous function in programming. It’s called “anonymous” because it doesn’t have a specific name like traditional functions. Instead, it’s like a snippet of code that can be assigned to a variable or passed as an argument to other functions.

When you use a lambda expression, you’re essentially creating a compact, self-contained block of code that can be executed when needed. It’s often used for tasks like filtering data, mapping values, or defining small, one-time-use functions without the need to give them a formal name.

So, in a sense, a lambda expression can be seen as a nameless suspension of code because it’s a way to encapsulate a piece of code without a formal function name, making it convenient for certain programming tasks.