Get ready to experience a game-changing evolution in simplifying complex software systems!
Join us for a session that delves into strategies for reducing complexity in production and test code, optimizing CI pipelines, and embracing simplicity in development. Discover practical ways to streamline your test frameworks, shorten feedback loops, and manage complexity with modern build tools.
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Hi there,
If you couldn’t catch the session live, don’t worry! You can watch the recording here:
Here are some of the Q&As from this session:
Simon what do you think about “Perfection in design is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” Is minimalism one aspect of simplicity? Would intuitively understandable be another aspect?
Simon: Yes, minimalism is definitely one aspect of simplicity. It focuses on removing unnecessary elements to achieve clarity. Intuitive understanding is another crucial aspect, where design is so clear and straightforward that users can easily grasp its purpose and function without additional explanation.
Now, let’s look into some of the unanswered questions.
How do you ensure that simplifying a tool doesn’t take away important features?
What is your say on Tool-based productivity vs test effort estimations optimizations as a part of the test automation tool evaluations?
Is skill gap in our industry (QA) a problem to try to get people aligned in the same thing ?
Does AI prompt engineering simply the automation job ?
What can I do as a Developer to help the Tester
How would you describe the difference between Simple/Easy (also complex/hard)?
How do you diffentiate between easy and simple vs typical problems
Since complexity is somewhat subjective to each person, how do you bridge the gap so that everyone is on the same level when addressing a problem?
How should Automation be introduced for a site that has both Legacy and new Code
How should a Black Box Tester go about learning automation while also doing their regular job
Graph based build tools can risk missing out on contract tests and integration risk ?
Is skill gap in our industry (QA) a problem to try to get people aligned in the same thing ?
How can one differentiate between the priority of task .Some task are prior for business but not complex but some are real issue but not prior to business?
How to use LLM technique in our software testing if we know basic
When the features working well in current build, but doesn’t work the same way in next build. How should I dealt with it as a QA ? Because verifying each and every part with the same intensity isn’t possible.
What should be the ratio of manual testing to automation testing in a team
How is AI incorporated in traditional automation tools