Discussion on Revenge of the Nerds: How to Build a Niche Testing Career in the Era of AI by Dona Sarkar | Testμ 2024

Are you curious about shifting your career toward AI? Join Dona as she explores how QA professionals can leverage their skills to thrive in the AI landscape. Discover what AI looks like today, the five essential skills for the AI era, and how to carve out a unique career niche. Dona will also unveil a special AI role for which QA/Test professionals are uniquely qualified.

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Here are some of the Q&As from this session:

What are effective ways to build expertise in a niche area of testing while ensuring compatibility with AI advancements?

Dona Sarkar: To build expertise in a niche area while keeping up with AI advancements:

Keep Learning: Regularly update your knowledge through courses and industry news. Get Specialized Training: Seek certifications that blend your niche with AI. Gain Hands-On Experience: Apply AI tools in real-world projects related to your niche. Network with Experts: Join relevant communities and collaborate with AI specialists

With the memory function you showed us, how do we ensure any personal data is not misused? How do we control the safety of allowing access to personal data?

which tools are currently effective to learn AI Testing

How to introduce AI testing in your organization

Are there certifications available which would help current manual testers to level up in their career in AI era

What resources or communities would you recommend for testers looking to specialize in AI-focused testing?

What can a successful niche testing career look like in 2024 - as an AI leader or leveraging a niche need or skillset?

What tools or capabilities should a niche Ai tester upskill with to stay in-demand?

How can AI be used to identify and develop niche testing expertise that aligns with future industry trends?

How can we know which AI tool is authentic as we can see many tools are already present and many are upcoming.

Can you provide some free quality educational resources where one can get started in AI?

Using Gen AI, isn’t sensitive data at risk ? How to decide which Gen AI to choose/ learn ?

What’s your opinion on accepted queries/prompts vs…say…my general proclivity to just be verbose…? I.E. How much better would you say those prompts are vs just being more pedantic in your queries?

What are the recommended AI tools to integrate with Selenium and Appium using Java?

One of the biggest challenge I see with accessibility testing or features is most companies wont push to spend time and budget to develop these. I witnessed it myself being dismissed from the head of product on an ex-employer

how can we use AI in collaboration with our testing skills?

How can I transition my career to focus on AI to remain relevant?

What strategies can testers use to stay updated with rapidly evolving AI technologies and their impact on niche testing careers?