Discussion on Let’s Play Rhetoric for All Things Testing by Maaret Pyhäjärvi | Testμ 2023

:studio_microphone: Ready to elevate your public speaking skills? Join Maaret Pyhäjärvi in “Let’s Play Rhetoric for All Things Testing” at Testμ 2023! :rocket:

:game_die: Experience Rhetoric, the Public Speaking Game, with a twist.

Engage in dynamic discussions on All Things Testing. Roll the dice, embrace challenges, and improve your rhetoric prowess!

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If you have already registered and up for the session, feel free to post your questions in the thread below :point_down:

Please find some of the Q&As from the session!

How could you delve into crafting compelling testing narratives that would enhance stakeholder engagement, empower decision-making, and foster a quality culture throughout the development journey?

Maaret: When it comes to making testing stories that engage stakeholders and promote quality, it’s a common challenge, and to tackle it, you try different things and see how your audience reacts. If they like it, you do more of that. If not, you change your approach, maybe use visuals or send a team. Working together to create stories and trying different methods can help engage stakeholders and spread a culture of quality.

Can you share a captivating example from your talk that illustrates how effective communication and collaboration contribute to refining test practices and ensuring software excellence?

Maaret: I believe effective communication and collaboration involves speaking up about what you care about and finding like-minded people. Once, I was sitting next to a developer, letting them test without instructing them. This showed that developers can test effectively when given the space. You can also use storytelling to explain complex concepts, like metrics, where attaching a story to numbers is important for understanding.

There were also some of the unanswered questions:

What rhetorical strategies are most effective in discussing and promoting best practices in software testing?

How can skillful rhetoric improve collaboration between testing and development teams?

Can you share an example of a time when using storytelling enhanced the understanding of a complex testing concept?

What should be the golden rule of speaking?

Hi there,

If you couldn’t catch the session live, don’t worry! You can watch the recording here:

Additionally, we’ve got you covered with a detailed session blog:


Being an active member of this live session, I would love to post my point of view on behalf of the speaker.

Effective discussions and promotions of best practices in software testing rely on a blend of rhetorical strategies. Establishing credibility (ethos) by showcasing expertise, using real-world examples to appeal to emotions (pathos), and presenting logical, data-driven arguments (logos) are key. Clear and concise language, along with visuals, enhances accessibility. Engaging the audience through Q&A sessions and workshops fosters participation and deeper understanding.

Combining these strategies effectively ensures best practices are embraced and understood.


As I participated as a volunteer, i would love to answer your query on behalf of the speaker.

Skillful rhetoric can improve collaboration between testing and development teams by promoting effective communication and persuasion techniques. Clear and concise language can help testing professionals convey the importance of their work to developers, fostering mutual understanding. Additionally, using persuasive rhetoric can advocate for best practices and quality standards, leading to higher-quality software.

Overall, it creates a culture of open communication and collaboration, enhancing project outcomes.


Sure, I can lend in hand to help you share an example on behalf of the speaker.

An example of how storytelling enhanced the understanding of a complex testing concept. I once used storytelling to explain “boundary value analysis,” a testing technique, to my colleagues. Instead of diving into technical details, I shared a relatable story about a bridge inspector who focused on critical points where the bridge’s structure changed. This approach helped my team connect with the concept, understanding that it’s about identifying vulnerabilities at input boundaries.

The storytelling made the concept practical and memorable, improving its application in our testing efforts.

Hey there,

This is no rocket science, there are some rules to follow to make your speaking better. Moreover, the golden rule of speaking is to communicate with clarity, empathy, and respect. Effective communication involves being clear in your message, considering your audience’s perspective, and treating others with kindness and respect.

By following this rule, you can build strong connections, foster understanding, and create a positive and inclusive environment in both personal and professional interactions.