Discussion on Expanding the Horizon of Innovation in Testing by Mahesh Venkataraman | Testμ 2023

:rocket: Ready to explore testing innovation beyond automation and AI?

Join Mahesh Venkataraman as he unveils new perspectives and reshapes testing with insights from diverse disciplines.

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Here are some of the Q&A from the session.

Innovation techniques are limited to the organizations! How can we work on these techniques as we are bound by certain systems?

Mahesh: When we talk about driving innovation within an organization, it’s not just about individual brilliancе. It’s about aligning management and еmployееs to a common goal. And that common goal should be to еstablish a sеt procеss that еnsurеs uniformity whilе fostеring innovation.

In my еxpеriеncе spanning ovеr a dеcadе, I’vе comе to rеalizе that innovation is not a solo act. It’s a tеam еffort that rеquirеs careful planning and еxеcution—Hеrе’s my approach: thorough rеsеarch and narrativе building arе thе foundation. I bеliеvе in crеating a solid story around innovativе idеas, backеd by data and rеsеarch.

Expеrimеntation is kеy. Bеforе prеsеnting any concеpt to customers, wе nееd to еnsurе its viability. That’s whеrе prototypеs comе in. Thеy’rе tangiblе еvidеncе of a concеpt’s potential. And to еxеcutе thеsе prototypеs еffеctivеly, a dеdicatеd tеam is еssеntial. Innovation isn’t an onе-pеrson show. It’s about bringing together individuals who are passionatе about pushing boundariеs.

Collaboration is the heart of innovation. Nеtworking is paramount. Building connеctions with likе-mindеd pеoplе can open doors to nеw pеrspеctivеs and partnеrships. That’s whеrе еxtеrnal collaborators, such as LambdaTеst, comе into play. Wе can’t innovatе in isolation—wе nееd partnеrs who sharе our vision.

And oncе you’vе donе your homеwork, it’s timе to pilot your idеas, showcasing thе еffеctivеnеss of innovativе solutions is crucial. Involvе your customеrs in thе procеss, makе thеm part of thе journеy. By addressing their pain points and dеmonstrating value, you gain their trust and make them advocatеs for your innovations.

So, in a nutshеll, innovation isn’t just about having a groundbrеaking idea. It’s about wеaving togеthеr rеsеarch, collaboration, and customеr satisfaction. That’s thе rеcipе for nurturing innovation and driving it to success.

Let’s look at a few unanswered questions:

Where do you see manual testers in the future?

What has been the finest innovation in testing as of now, and what are we looking in near future?

Can you discuss how forward-looking companies leverage testing innovation not just as a quality assurance measure, but as a strategic driver of competitive advantage?

What emerging technologies or methodologies have the potential to revolutionize the field of testing and quality assurance, and how might they expand the horizon of innovation in ensuring product reliability and performance?

What innovation we can do in QA process itself that will include heuristic and exploratory testing approach in process itself instead of following the traditional STLC cycle.

When innovating, how do you balance creativity and functionality?

What do you do to improve your creativity, innovation, and problem-solving skills?

How can implementing automation techniques contribute to expanding the horizon of innovation in software testing, and what new approaches are being explored to achieve this goal?

What do you think about the role that innovation plays in business?

How can innovative testing methodologies help in identifying vulnerabilities and ensuring data protection especial using AI related technologies testing?

How can be adopt Innovation for Testing in Healthcare where the industry has to be prepared for an unknown next pandemic ? How can we bring just in time innovation for better preparation?

How Gen AI will be used in Test Automation? Any use case?

Since testing field is expanding, how can I define which tools or path I need to continue with ? sometimes I feel like I know thing about everything but not everything about thing! and I have to adapt with technology at each company

How does Risk Adaptation Intelligent Test Cases utilize machine learning to improve risk identification and mitigation in testing?

Can these innovations be applied in UAT or is it only limited to unit and integration testing?

What are the challenges we face in future for Automation testing if AI comes ?

Hi there,

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As per my understanding of manual testing, it has certainly matured and evolved over the years, adapting to the shifting landscapes of the tech world. I see the role of manual testers not only persisting but also transforming and embracing new facets in the future. In my opinion:

  1. Integration with Automation: Even though automation in testing is on the rise, manual testers will always have a role to play. They can bridge the gap between automated scripts and real-world user experiences. Automation can catch many errors, but the nuanced perspective of a human can’t be entirely replaced.
  2. Enhanced Soft Skills: Manual testers will increasingly need to hone their communication and collaboration skills. They won’t just be executing test cases but will play a more integral role in product development, collaborating closely with developers, product managers, and user experience designers.
  3. Focus on User Experience: Manual testers will shift their focus more towards user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) testing. While automated tests are efficient in finding technical bugs, the manual testing process is crucial to understand the overall user experience and the intuitive nature of an application.
  4. Specialized Domain Knowledge: As industries and applications become more complex, having domain-specific knowledge will become an asset. Manual testers with expertise in specific sectors, such as healthcare or finance, will be invaluable.
  5. Continuous Learning: The tech industry is rapidly changing. Manual testers will need to stay updated with the latest tools, techniques, and best practices to remain relevant.

In conclusion, the role of manual testers will not diminish; rather, it will evolve. They will continue to be an integral part of the software development lifecycle, ensuring the delivery of high-quality products.

I hope this answers your question. :slightly_smiling_face: