Discussion on Choosing the Right Framework: Exploring the Selenium Ecosystem for Testing by Diego Molina | Testμ 2024

Is Selenium always the best choice for web testing? This talk explores Selenium’s strengths—like browser compatibility and extensive community support—and its limitations, such as the learning curve and maintenance challenges. Learn when Selenium is the right fit and discover alternative tools and approaches that might better suit your testing needs.

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Hi there,

If you couldn’t catch the session live, don’t worry! You can watch the recording here:

Here are some of the Q&As from this session:

Can Selenium, as a low-level browser automation tool, work well with fully testing low-code or more complex browser based apps?

Diego Molina: Selenium, being a low-level browser automation tool, can work effectively with both low-code and more complex browser-based applications. For low-code apps, Selenium can interact with the generated UI elements and workflows as long as they are standard HTML elements. For more complex applications, Selenium’s ability to handle intricate interactions, dynamic content, and various web technologies makes it suitable for comprehensive testing. However, the effectiveness largely depends on how well Selenium is configured and integrated with other tools or frameworks to handle specific testing requirements and complexities.

Here are the Some Unanswered Questions:-

A common thing I noticed is skill issue between test developers, how do you recommend people upskill themselves to a point where they clearly understand the toolkit to make decisions for their respective teams ?

What are the best practices for managing test data and test environments in a Selenium-based framework?

How do you approach tracking software coverage in UI automation which is mostly black box?

What’s the difference between WebDriver and RemoteWebDriver… for someone fairly new to both?

What tool do you suggest to new people who want to learn Automation testing - playwright or Selenium?

What are the main challenges you’ve encountered when working with Selenium in testing?

What are the key factors to consider when selecting an AI agent for improving code quality?

What resources or communities would you recommend for testers looking to specialize in AI-focused testing?

Can we limit no. of threads on the basis of resources utilization of machine in selenium?

Can you provide examples of projects where Selenium was successfully replaced by another tool?

Is there a GitHub repository with a Selenium framework that I can use as a reference to create a perfect Selenium framework?

What’s the most exciting or unexpected benefit you’ve seen from using a tool like Selenite on top of Selenium?

What are some scenarios where using Selenium could lead to inefficiencies?

Which Selenium ecosystem is the closest to filling the requirements of the iron triangle for software development: safety, cost, and speed?

What key thumb rules you suggest to choose a framework for a fresh POC project ?

Ever successfully used Playwright with Java? Java seems to be like the stepchild who doesnt get attention enough

Are you sharing the slides with attendees? What was the name of the Python-based framework you mentioned in your presentation?