Discussion on BiDi-ing Farewell to Cross-Browser Automation Headaches by Matthias Rohmer | Testμ 2024

Matthias Rohmer from Google will explore how WebDriver BiDi resolves automation challenges. :globe_with_meridians:

Learn how this solution improves cross-browser automation workflows with real-world examples.

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Hi there,

If you couldn’t catch the session live, don’t worry! You can watch the recording here:

Here are some unanswered questions that were asked in the session:

How fast can we get BiDi in our hands and how more awesome are you guys planning to make it :boom:?

What kind of problem are we gonna face here?

What are the main things we need to consider when doing cross-browser testing?

In what ways does BiDi enhance collaboration between development and QA teams during the automation process?

How is CDP compatible with other browsers?

What are the key challenges the BiDirectional (BiDi) protocol addresses compared to traditional approaches?

What kinds of difficulties represent the most challenging cross-browser automation issues regardless of the browser?

What’s the best approach (tech, best practices, etc.?) for cross-browser testing of PWAs?

What would be some limitations BiDi may have now which we should be aware of going into it and pushing it into our end production?

What are the most common issues encountered in cross-browser automation, and how does BiDi help resolve them?

What are the main components for browser testing?

Is BiDi a codeless automation tool or does it need programming knowledge?

How does BiDi parse the various options and settings available within the browsers?

Has the patching of WebKit and Firefox by Playwright ever got anyone into trouble with cross-browser compatibility testing?

BiDi is already being worked on and can be used right now, but how soon we get all the features depends on the browser. The community is making it stronger by focusing on making it easier to automate and fix bugs.

At first, you might have trouble getting it to work with old systems because not all browsers will have every feature right away. You might also find it a bit tricky if you’re used to using traditional WebDriver.

The main things to watch out for are how each browser is different, the way they show things, and how they handle JavaScript and CSS. It’s really important to test it on all the big browsers to catch any bugs that only show up on one.

BiDi helps everyone speak the same language by giving more feedback in real-time and making it easier to find and fix problems. Both teams can use the same way to get results, which makes talking and solving issues across different browsers faster.