Discussion on Automation is Software Development – Insights from Paul Grizzaffi | Testμ 2024

:thinking: Rethink your approach to automation! In this groundbreaking session, Paul Grizzaffi unveils the truth that automation is not just a simple task—it’s software development in disguise.

Whether you’re using AI, drag-and-drop tools, or record-and-playback interfaces, there’s always code behind the scenes. Ignoring this can lead to costly delays and unsustainable projects.

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Here are some of the Q&As from this session:

How do we push automation to companies that see it as secondary that reflects on our work as well being support only?

Paul Grizzaffi: To advocate for automation in companies where it’s seen as secondary, emphasize the long-term cost savings, increased efficiency, and improved accuracy that automation brings. Provide data-driven examples of how automation has benefited other companies or projects, and demonstrate quick wins where automation has delivered immediate results. Engage in educational efforts to show how automation aligns with the company’s strategic goals and how it can enhance overall productivity and quality, making it a core component rather than a support function.

What AI platforms can be used to help developers with unit testing?

Paul Grizzaffi: AI platforms like Testim.io and Applitools use AI to improve unit testing by automatically generating tests and detecting visual regressions. Tools like Diffblue Cover use AI to generate unit tests for Java applications, helping to ensure code quality and coverage. DeepCode offers AI-powered code review and static analysis to identify potential issues before they become bugs.

What are the benefits of using Nerdery over open-source automation tools?

Paul Grizzaffi: Nerdery offers benefits such as professional support, customization, and integration services that might not be available with open-source tools. With Nerdery, you gain access to expertise and consultation services, which can help in tailoring automation solutions to specific needs. Additionally, Nerdery provides dedicated support and potentially faster troubleshooting, which can be valuable for complex or enterprise-level projects.

How does automation development compare to traditional software development in terms of required skills and expertise?

Paul Grizzaffi: Automation development often requires a strong understanding of testing methodologies, scripting languages, and test frameworks. Skills in test design, data management, and tool integration are crucial. Compared to traditional software development, which focuses more on creating functional code and solving business problems, automation development emphasizes test strategy, test case design, and ensuring code reliability. While both fields require strong coding skills, automation development also demands a deep understanding of testing principles and continuous integration practices.

i have few cases where i can not run CI/CD pipelines du to harware limitation as my application need baremetal servers.

how to automate in these type of cases?

Paul Grizzaffi: In cases where CI/CD pipelines cannot be run due to hardware limitations, consider hybrid automation strategies. Use local automation scripts and manual testing where necessary, and integrate with a limited set of CI/CD processes that can run on your hardware. You can also explore cloud-based CI/CD services that support integration with on-premises environments or containerization techniques to simulate your bare-metal environment. Implementing test automation tools that can work in a restricted setup and ensuring synchronization between your local environment and any remote systems can help maintain automation effectiveness.

How does automation integrate with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines?

how did you manage to do all of these

What automation(s) would you suggest first if I’m an automated QA team of one? (I can only do so much as one single human being…)

if modern automation might be declared software, what might automation be or function like by, say, in 1-2 years?

How can we create Documentation with AI?