Discover Essential Skills for Modern Testers: Testing AI, Testing with AI, Testing FinOps, and Testing Data Quality with James Massa | Testμ 2024

:globe_with_meridians: In the ever-evolving landscape of software testing, it’s essential to stay ahead of the curve. Join us for an insightful session on “Essential Skills for Modern Testers: Testing AI, Testing with AI, Testing FinOps, and Testing Data Quality” with James, a pioneer in engineering quality and compliance technology. :file_cabinet:

Learn how to tackle the unique challenges posed by AI systems, integrate AI-driven tools to boost your testing efficiency, understand FinOps principles for cost-effective cloud testing, and ensure top-notch data quality to support AI accuracy. Whether you’re an experienced tester or new to the field, this session offers the tools and insights you need to excel in modern testing practices. :robot: :card_index:

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Hi there,

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Here are some of the Q&As from this session:

can we use AI to generate Synthetic data for testing real world applications where real data is not available due to many reasons?

James Massa: Yes, AI can be effectively used to generate synthetic data for testing real-world applications when real data is unavailable. Techniques like generative adversarial networks (GANs) or other AI-driven models can create realistic synthetic datasets that mimic the statistical properties of real data. This allows you to test and validate applications even when actual data is restricted or unavailable.

Can data drift be overcome by increasing the samples in your dataset? I.E. train the bank AI on data from 5+ banks for it to be more adapted to outliers and differences in multiple data sources, rather than learning that later on.

James Massa: Increasing the number of samples in your dataset, especially by incorporating data from multiple sources, can help reduce the impact of data drift. Training on diverse datasets from different banks, for instance, can make the AI model more resilient to outliers and variations. However, it’s important to continuously monitor and retrain the model as new data comes in to ensure it remains accurate and adaptable over time.

What is the best approach as an engineer for wealth buiilding as James has experience :slight_smile:

How can AI be leveraged to automate the generation of complex test scenarios that mimic real-world user behavior?

How can AI be leveraged to automate the generation of complex test scenarios that mimic real-world user behavior?

How important is developing prompt engineering skills for modern testers?

What would be your suggestion to a QA Engineer transitioning from traditional testing (API, UI and so on) to Data testing (Data Quality focused)?

What are the key considerations for implementing AI in a testing strategy?

How can we leverage ai to create robust automation scripts ?.

James, do you believe that AI is something that will be embedded in our lives for many years, for decades and not something temporary, which after some time will become uninteresting to society, irrelevant.

How to use AI for Test Case Generation in testing?

Please suggest some of the Data Quality frameworks that we can use.

can you use AI to test dataquality

how can we make sure digital ethics is being considered while using AI?

What is the biggest and most anticipated skill for the test of the future?

Apart from Web, Can we use GenAI capabilities for security & performance testing? Suggest some security & performance tools with GenAI capabilities.

Can you mention any AI libraries or Repositories to explore this in a Selenium Maven project?

how can we use AI tools for exploratory testing