Describe the principles of the SOLID design principles in object-oriented programming.
Hey Joe
SOLID principles, when followed, can drastically enhance the structure and quality of software. The Single Responsibility principle stresses that a class should have one, and only one, reason to change, ensuring that each class addresses a specific concern. The Open-Closed principle advocates for software entities to be open for extension but closed for modification, allowing systems to evolve without altering existing code. Liskov Substitution ensures that derived classes can substitute their base classes without altering the correctness of the program. Interface Segregation emphasizes creating specialized interfaces so that clients aren’t forced to depend on interfaces they don’t use.
Lastly, Dependency Inversion stresses the importance of high-level modules not being dependent on low-level ones but both depending on abstractions. Collectively, these principles provide a foundation for developing robust, scalable, and easily adaptable software solutions.