I am attempting to use the cypress-audit plugin on lambdatest after reading about it here: Unleashing Cypress Performance Testing using Lighthouse | LambdaTest
It works locally but when run on lambdatest I get the message that Custom Chrome is not supported
- Example test ID is VHU3Y-HOEN5-GH8TX-GBSQC
Any idea what the issue is here?
All of the examples I can find on doing this are pre version 10 of cypress. Has anyone got this working in v10+?
Are Lambdatest able to provide some more recent examples of this working?
Hey LambdaTest, did we ever find a solution for this? I am running into the same issue here at test id TVEG4-UXJJ4-HPWXF-AOZTC
Hi There,
This is happening from cypress end due to which Lighthouse checks are skipped .when the browser binary path is passed in the cypress run, the issue is reproducible by giving the path using the command: npx cypress run --browser.
opened 09:05AM - 11 Jan 23 UTC
**What does not work?**
Lighthouse checks are skiiped when browser binary path … is passed in cypress run
**How to reproduce?**
npx cypress run --browser <path to chrome binary>
**Expected behavior**
It should work
**Environment (please complete the following information):**
- OS: Mac/Windows
- Chrome version: 100
- Cypress version: 9.6
**Any other information that may help fixing the issue?**
Erro mesage is cy.lighthouse(),custom chrome is not supported, skipping
Issue link fyr