Can you show me how to use Cypress to interact with children elements of a parent?

Can you show me how to use Cypress to interact with children elements of a parent?

Using cy.get() with a parent selector and find() to locate the child: his method uses the cy.get() command to select the parent element and then the find() method to locate the child element within the parent. It’s a straightforward and readable way to interact with child elements.


Using cy.get() with a parent selector and children() to locate the child.

Like the first method, this approach uses the cy.get() command to select the parent element. It then uses the children() method to locate the direct children of the parent that match the child selector. This method is useful when you specifically want to target immediate children of the parent.


Using cy.get() with a parent selector and within() to operate within the parent’s context:

This method uses the within() command to set the context of subsequent commands to be within the parent element.

So, you can directly interact with the child elements without specifying the parent selector again. This approach is beneficial when you have multiple operations to perform on child elements within the same parent, reducing code duplication.

cy.get('.parent-class').within(() => {