How do I use typescript to try -catch error handling?
I’m encountering an issue in my TypeScript project, where I need to handle errors using try, catch, and finally statements. I know how to use these in JavaScript, but I’m facing a problem with TypeScript.
When I try to define the exception as an argument in the catch statement, it doesn’t accept it. Here’s the code I’m working with:
private handling(argument: string): string {
try {
result = this.markLibrary(argument);
catch(e: Exception) {
result = e.Message;
return result;
I need to get the exception message, but I’m unable to do so. The error I receive is:
“Catch clause variable cannot have a type annotation.”
Can someone explain why this is happening and how to properly use typescript try catch to handle exceptions?
Hi there,
Remove the type annotation from the catch clause:
In TypeScript, the variable in the catch clause cannot have a type annotation. By default, catch variables are of type any. You can simply remove the type annotation from the catch clause, like this:
private handling(argument: string): string {
let result = '';
try {
result = this.markLibrary(argument);
} catch (e) {
result = e.message || 'An error occurred';
return result;
Explanation: TypeScript automatically infers the type of the exception as any in the catch block. You can access properties like e.message without needing a specific type annotation.
This method returns an array of an object’s own property names. You can then loop through this array to access the properties. Here’s how you can use it:
const obj = { name: "Bob", age: 30, city: "Builderland" };
const keys = Object.keys(obj);
keys.forEach(propt => {
console.log(propt + ": " + obj[propt]);
Here, propt will iterate over each key in the keys array, enabling you to access the corresponding values.
@tim-khorev I tried using Object.entries() Method: This method returns an array of an object’s key-value pairs, which can be easily iterated using forEach. Here’s an example:
const obj = { name: "Charlie", age: 35, city: "Chocolate City" };
Object.entries(obj).forEach(([propt, value]) => {
console.log(propt + ": " + value);
In this case, propt represents each property name, while value represents its corresponding value, providing a straightforward way to access both.
This method returns an array of an object’s key-value pairs, which can be easily iterated using forEach.
Here’s an example:
const obj = { name: "Charlie", age: 35, city: "Chocolate City" };
Object.entries(obj).forEach(([propt, value]) => {
console.log(propt + ": " + value);
In this case, propt represents each property name, while value represents its corresponding value, providing a straightforward way to access both.