Can Selenium move the mouse?

Can Selenium move the mouse?


The Actions class in Selenium WebDriver enables us to move the mouse pointer to a specific location or element. To create an object of the actions class, we have to use the WebDriver instance created by the webdriver.Create() method. The MoveToElement() method in the actions class takes the locator object as a parameter and moves it to that specific location/element. We can move one or more locations/elements using this method.

To learn how to automate mouse clicks follow this blog given below.

Using Coordinates with MoveByOffset(): In addition to moving to specific elements, the Actions class allows you to move the mouse pointer by a specified offset from its current position using the moveByOffset() method. This is useful when you need to interact with an element that may not be directly reachable or when you want to hover over a specific area of the screen.


Actions actions = new Actions(driver);

actions.moveByOffset(100, 50).perform(); // Moves the mouse 100 pixels to the right and 50 pixels down


You can automate mouse clicks also by using combining mouse actions:

Combining Mouse Actions: You can chain multiple actions together to perform complex mouse interactions, such as moving to an element and clicking on it or performing a hover effect. The click and hold (), moveToElement(),, and release() methods can be combined to simulate dragging an element.


WebElement sourceElement = driver.findElement("source"));
WebElement targetElement = driver.findElement("target"));

Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
actions.clickAndHold(sourceElement) // Clicks and holds the source element
       .moveToElement(targetElement) // Moves to the target element
       .release() // Releases the mouse button
       .perform(); // Executes the action chain