Can I use Pabot with Robot Framework?

Can I use Robot Framework with Pabot Library?

Hi Shashank,

Yes, Robot Framework supports different libraries such as Pabot.

For instance, if you want to explore how to use Robot Framework with Pabot, you can check the below article:

You can configure Pabot with Robot Framework to execute tests in parallel. This allows you to speed up your test execution by running multiple test cases simultaneously.

Pabot works by splitting test suites into different chunks and executing them concurrently, making it highly efficient for large test suites. You can integrate Pabot by installing it via pip and configuring it in your test execution setup.

For distributed test execution across multiple machines, Pabot is an excellent choice. By leveraging Pabot’s ability to manage multiple remote execution agents, you can scale up your testing infrastructure.

You simply need to define the test execution strategy and agents in your Robot Framework configuration, then use Pabot to distribute the tests across available nodes. This setup will help in optimizing testing time and resources.