Can I use Appium with TestNG for automated app testing?

Can I use Appium with TestNG for automated app testing?

Hey Miro,

Appium, one of the most popular open-source mobile automation frameworks, works with a variety of test frameworks. If you want to use Appium in combination with TestNG, the framework that’s most popular in the Android testing community, you can do so by employing the use of Appium Interceptors.

Appium Interceptors are wrappers that let you hook into commands from Appium and have additional functionality added. In this case, you can use an interceptor to tell Appium to send all commands to TestNG for execution. This way, all Appium commands (like “click” or “type”) will be executed by TestNG instead of the app being tested.

Appium Interceptors work by allowing you to modify requests and responses before they reach their destination. You can make modifications to each request before it is sent out, or you can intercept responses when they come back and alter them. That way, you can add a bit of logic to your application tests using another framework like Selenium WebDriver.

To learn more about using Appium with TestNG, you can go through the following blog:

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