AMA on Decoding the Future of QA and SDET Roles in the Tech-Driven World by Babu Manickam | Testμ 2023

With new and game-changing technologies such as AI, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing on the scene, the fields of Quality Assurance (QA) and Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) are now more thrilling and demanding than ever before. :cloud:

Tune in into this exciting AMA session with Baby Manickam to decode the Future of QA and SDET Roles in the Tech-Driven World.

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Let’s look at some of the questions poured in from the audience side:

How do we choose the right AI/ML tool for our specific testing needs like UI Automation?

Babu: Think about the specific situation. It’s not just about automating tasks related to how things look on the screen (UI). Focusing too much on testing the appearance of things isn’t always the best approach.

Instead of using a specific tool or technology, you should figure out exactly what you want to automate. Do you want to automate creating tests? Do you want to check how things look visually? You can then find the right tool for the job, depending on what you need.

Is there an ideal roadmap to begin SDET journey?

Many talented people work in testing rather than development. Individuals who were into testing and coding may become architects.

Beginning with data structures and algorithms, Babu suggested a six-step approach for becoming an architect before moving on to design patterns and non-functional elements. He pushed for skill development through time and a willingness to learn from mistakes.

Further, Babu advised learning about cloud platforms like AWS or Azure and their offerings before switching to cloud-native testing. He suggested determining the services that are utilized and modifying testing strategies accordingly.

Are there any specific skills or areas of expertise that QA and SDET professionals should focus on to keep pace with AI advancements?

Babu: To keep up with the AI advancements, QA and SDET professionals need to start learning a programming language and then gradually advance to backend automation and DevOps, Cloud Computing, and Machine Learning.

To make the learning process easier, look for online courses from MIT and Microsoft. While having a basic understanding of Selenium and Java is a good start, knowing Playwright could be an added advantage. Also building a strong foundation step-by-step and learning new technologies like microservices or architectural elements as and when they emerge.

How could anyone enhance skills in this ever-evolving tech landscape while their primary skills are Selenium and Java?

Babu: Although Selenium and Java indicate a strong foundation, relying on just one language is never a safe option. Today, many tools are moving towards using JavaScript like Playwright for automation tasks. It’s important explore backend automation to understand microservices and architecture better.

Will Selenium be present in the future as certain issues are going on with the Chrome browser?

Babu: Chrome’s changes will be adapted to, and there will be solutions for testing in future releases. Audience should keep using Selenium and explore alternatives like Playwright for testing.

Can organizations depend on AI for self-healing or fixing flaky tests, and how can they decipher between an actual product failure versus not a real failure?

Babu: Flaky tests largely happen because of 3 reasons – the tool itself, because of the developer, and lastly, because the coder writes the wrong code. To handle flaky tests, one solution is self-healing by locator, while the other is to re-duplicate your tests. Whenever my Selenium test fails, I re-run it with the Playwright to validate if the engine is causing the trouble.

Let’s have a look at some of the unanswered questions:

How would you see some browser extensions which are developed for browser automation and RPA? Is it reliable for test automation?

What’s your opinion about codeless automation tool like ACCELQ vs working with any other framework like Selenium or Playwright?

Which is the best time to shift from manual testing to automation?

How do you envision the evolution of QA and SDET roles in an increasingly automated and tech-driven landscape, and what skills do you believe will be critical for professionals to succeed in these roles?

What is your recommendation for database test automation?

Which testing tools have the highest potential for the future? Which the lowest?

What significance does the emergence of SDETs hold for the future?

Is Cypress losing the automation battle?

How AI help in automation?

What do you think about SDETs becoming coaches – teaching developers how to test. SDETs focus on tools/infrastructure and developers do the testing with these tools?

How cloud certification playing role in storage domain testing?

Do we have to worry about AI generated tests when there is still considerable amount of inhibition in sharing paid product behaviour with AI?

What is the future of Selenium ? Will Playwright replace it?