Adjusting Network Latency in Selenium and Playwright

Hi team.Is there any settings to increase network latency / idle time in both selenium and Playwright.

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Hey Alex,

Yes! You can use the “Network latency and idle time” feature in Playwright to control network latency, you can utilize the page.waitForLoadState method. Detailed information can be found in the Playwright documentation here: Page | Playwright

As for Selenium, you have a couple of options. You can increase the wait time using WebDriverWait, ensuring that your script waits for a specified duration before proceeding. Alternatively, you can introduce a thread.sleep on your end, causing a pause in the execution to allow the page to fully load.

Remember, adjusting these settings should be done judiciously to ensure optimal performance and reliability in your automated testing scenarios.

Thanks for reaching out Alex! If you have any more questions, we’re here to answer them.