LambdaQuest: Redefining Next-Gen Testing Workflows by Mayank | Testμ 2024

Anyone worked with Selenium grid with appium device farm using Docker ??

How will you handle security and privacy subject in KaneAI?

Can use Lambdatest real device testing more then 10 minutes in Free version?

Does KaneAI need the tickets in JIRA written in a certain way to be able to create the proper test cases. Will it look in the Acceptance Criteria list

Also will it create multiple test cases like both positive and negative testcases

Can KANE AI in mobile automation as well

Can we use for API Testing ??

Can KaneAI be used for the different environments without a lot of maintenance

Also if a button or field is added to the existing page, is it possible to reuse the existing script and update only that step

How robust is it agains chenging page layout/changing labels/IDs?

I didn’t notice any pricing information in the presentation so far…is KaneAI (or will it at some point be) included with all plans, or what does the cost look like for this?

Can we get a full fledge demo of KANE AI

How much it will cost?

I already use Lambdatest paid version, so can i get KeneAI free Automatically?

How does KaneAI work in a multi tester team working on the same tool/site

what is the price point and on what factors does it depend

How does KaneAI handle waiting for API /dynamic loading of page/ slower performance of particular API/ waiting for element readiness?

How can I know more about it

How do you generate test data? Do we test using actual production data? if so, how PII data is taken care?

What is compares in screen shot? picture to picture comparison?