Does Lambdatest support Appium espresso driver?

I am trying to use the Appium espresso driver for automating a native Android app. But getting error WebDriverException: Message: 1738488081813915962: failed to start session: map[value:map[error:unknown error message:An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not find a driver for automationName 'Espresso' and platformName 'android'. Have you installed a driver that supports those capabilities? Run 'appium driver list --installed' to see. (Lower-level error: Could not find installed driver to support given caps) stacktrace:UnknownError: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not find a driver for automationName 'Espresso' and platformName 'android'. Have you installed a driver that supports those capabilities? Run 'appium driver list --installed' to see. (Lower-level error: Could not find installed driver to support given caps).

Does Lambdatest support the appium espresso driver?

Here is my code:

*** Settings ***
Library  AppiumLibrary

*** Variables ***

${LT_ACCESS_KEY}    accessKey
${platformName}         android
${platformVersion}      14
${deviceName}           OnePlus 11
${isRealMobile}         True
${autoGrantPermissions}    True
${autoAcceptAlerts}    True
${LT_APP_ID}            lt://APP123
${BUILD}                build_id
${NAME}                 Test_App_Android
${TIMEOUT}              3000
${AUTOMATION_NAME}      Espresso
${REMOTE_URL}           https://${LT_USERNAME}:${LT_ACCESS_KEY}

*** Test Cases ***

Open test app
    [Timeout]   ${TIMEOUT}
    Open Application    ${REMOTE_URL}  
    ...                 platformName=${PLATFORM_NAME}  
    ...                 deviceName=${DEVICE_NAME}  
    ...                 platformVersion=${PLATFORM_VERSION}  
    ...                 automationName=${AUTOMATION_NAME}  
    ...                 isRealMobile=${IS_REAL_MOBILE}
    ...                 autoGrantPermissions=${autoGrantPermissions}
    ...                 autoAcceptAlerts=${autoAcceptAlerts}
    ...                 app=${LT_APP_ID}  
    ...                 build=${BUILD}  
    ...                 name=${NAME}
    Log                 Connected successfully

It works fine if I replace Espresso with UIAutomator2. Do I need to make any other changes to the capabilities to make espresso work?

@Vaibhav.Mathur That’s a great observation! :blush:

Currently, we supports UIAutomator2 for Android automation, but Appium Espresso Driver is not supported yet. That’s why the session works perfectly with UIAutomator2 but fails with Espresso.

UIAutomator2 is quite powerful and widely used for automating native apps, so you should be able to cover most scenarios with it. If LambdaTest adds support for Espresso in the future, we’ll be happy to update you! :rocket::blush:
